If you are a regular customer at Sweet Biscuit, you know we change our biscuit flavors every season. To a customer, the end of a season sparks mouth watering taste buds for the flavors ahead and anticipation for the new creations. But the end of a season is not always welcomed by all—some are sad to see the cookie dough biscuit leave and there are others who don’t particularly care for a new creation, as they love the routine of the familiar. Without the end of a season, there would never be room for growth and creativity. Without the end of a season, there wouldn’t be new tastes, new experiences, or new favorites. It is when our season comes to an end, that we re-evaluate, re-learn, re-organize and re-energize. The end of a season will always be the beginning of something new. There will be new flavors, of course, but the richness comes in the new interactions, new conversations, new challenges, new opportunities. If we have hearts open to listen and see, the end of a season can actually be disguised as the beginning of an incredible one.
Bake on!!
Wise words. I, too, believe open hearts make it easier to see an ending as a new beginning.